Where can I find relays descriptions, software and other useful information?
In the Download section you will find all the helpful information you need, such as manuals, technical data, brochures and much more.
Does SEG Electronics offer training?
Yes, upon request. Please contact our support team at support@segelectronics.de
Does SEG Electronics offer protection testing, commissioning or retrofit?
Yes, upon request. Please contact our support team at support@segelectronics.de
Where can I find HighPROTEC relays approval certificates?
SEG HighPROTEC protection relays Approval certificates located in the Download section, specifically, you can find them in the respective product section. If you have trouble finding what you need, our support team is always happy to assist you.
What should I do if I am having technical difficulties with HighPROTEC protection relays ?
Please open the troubleshooting guide in the HighPROTEC manual and follow the instructions. If the trouble shooting steps will not resolve the issue, please contact us at support@segelectronics.de.
How to test self-powered relay WIC1/ WIP?
Please contact our support team at support@segelectronics.de
My device is defective. What do I have to do?
Please contact us at support@segelectronics.de and let’s discuss your issue.
Where can I download the Smart view software to configure my protection relay?
Follow the link for Smart view download Protection Relays for High, Medium and low Voltage
How to locate local distributors and international carriers?
Click on "Find Distributor" in our contact section. There, you can easily search for your nearest partner by applying filters such as country, etc.
What is the purpose of the Quick Start Guide?
The purpose of this document is to familiarize the user of a Quick Start Guide with the respective protection relay as well as the essential operating steps. It is intended for all users and specialists who are who are taking care of the configuration, testing and maintenance of protective devices and equipment, such as commissioning engineers and protection engineers.

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